A patient participation group consists of patients and practice staff who work together to improve services for the wider practice population and strengthen the ties between the two.
Group members offer a patients perspective on any issues and are usually the first point of contact when practices are considering making changes
Some of the things that patient participation groups are involved with are;
Awareness Days – To Raise Awareness of the PPG or for a health issue eg Stoptober
Health Talks – Arranged by PPGs for the patients, talks can be done by local charities or GPS
Conduct patient surveys – Help patients to complete the surveys and have input into the contents of the survey
Create Newsletters – The PPG could create a newsletter about what they are doing, what the surgery is doing and what is going on in the local community
Anything else the group and the surgery feel is appropriate
If you are interested in joining but cannot commit to attend regular meetings the practise is considering setting up a Virtual group.
This Virtual group would run alongside our main group and involve using emails to exchange information and ideas. If this is something you would be interested in please select the Virtual group option on the registration form
We would like to ensure that both groups are representative of our practice population and welcome involvement from any patient over the age of 18.
Any questions about the group or if you would like an informal chat please contact;
Kate Coneron
Practice Manager
01484 710853
And use the reference patient participation group