We hold clinics at the Health Centre for the care of some groups of patients. Repeat medication is reviewed in some of the clinics.
Antenatal Clinic - The Ribble Team midwives provide the antenatal services for this practice, they are based at Field lane Childrens Centre, Rastrick .
Tel 01484 728934
Asthma/COPD Clinic - our specially trained nurse holds clinics for adults and children by appointment only.
Diabetic Clinic - Monday afternoons
This is run by the practice nurses. If you are a diabetic you will automatically be offered an appointment to attend annually, unless you are already being seen at the hospital clinic.
Healthy Heart Clinic - this clinic is run by the practice nurses for the care of patients with heart disease, high blood pressure, raised blood fats and those at risk of heart disease, by appointment only.
Influenza (Flu) Vaccination - this is recommended for all patients aged over 65 years and for patients of all ages with heart, lung or kidney disease. Patients who are carers are also advised to have a flu vaccination. The flu vaccinations are usually available from October onwards each year.
Phlebotomy - We have a phlebotomy service at the practice and a community phlebotomist on a Tuesday morning at Longroyde Surgery. Our receptionist will be able to advise and book a convenient time.